When I terminate the process for chrome the lag doesn’t disappear though.ģ) the only recording software I have, that I know of, is the nvidia highlights and I’ve never used it nor have I downloaded any other software. I only used chrome, youtube and steam yesterday. I’m not quite sure what the registry is but I’m willing to give it a go.Ģ) Is it possible something like chrome is causing the lag? I shit you not last night after posting this all I did was restart my computer and it went back to buttery smooth with high FPS, but all I did yesterday was boot up PC boot up EaW and then threw on a YouTube video. When I also lowered my 144hz down to 60hz I also set FPS limit in nvidia settings to 60fps capped. Okay so a little more context, when I did the fix that actually helped me and fixed the lag and FPS this was on Saturday just a few days ago, so essentially I had it working for a day and it stopped.ġ) I normally ply with vsync off so I will give that a try. If you have any other suggestions to fixes I'd love to try them thank you I just went and validated the game on steam and still broke, I haven't tried reinstalling as its run like this since it first installed and I didn't start using mods till around 30 hours in.

even though none of the settings had changed it went back to the way it was. I will say when I originally tried to set the nvidia settings to have FoC run my gpu and set it for max performance I saw a huge improvement, on menu screen for Fall of Republic I was getting around 80fps and in a space battle before all the ships came in I was getting over 100, with all my previous issues fixed the audio the mouse the stuttering. Lowering the settings in the menu completely to low doesn't fix anything not even more FPS, I've tried every resolution, I run a 144hz monitor I tried changing it to 60hz and then 60hz resolution in game and went so far as to set the resolution for the game in the NVidia settings as well and nothing. I just did my driver update the other day. And now I'm at a point where anything I google is something entirely unrelated to EaW or something I've tried. I've tried going into the display settings for windows and manually setting them for high performance and my gpu and no fix.

I saw that having the game run on integrated gpu might be the issue and that setting it manually in the Nvidia settings would fix it, and I set it for both the base EaW and FoC and no fix. Changing your priority and affinity because EaW runs on single core not multi, no fix. Okay fine, I go through the steps I see on google. I know for a fact it is only EaW running like this and so I did some googling and saw it was common issue. Hello, so I've clocked in about 100 hours of EaW and the entire time I've been dealing with low FPS no more than 20, stuttering, a flashy cursor that also lags, and for whatever reason the audio seems to be wonky as well and sounds like static at times.